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Liposuction (Body Contouring)-Traditional, Tumescent & Ultrasound-Assisted
Dr. Jay Orringer
Liposuction has been around since the early 1980’s and today involves a variety of techniques. The traditional technique, suction assisted lipectomy, involves the use of a thin cannulae (a small tube) attached to a vacuum device to remove excess fat from the body. Other commonly used techniques include tumescent liposuction and ultrasound assisted liposuction. Tumescent uses a solution of dilute local anesthesia and adrenaline injected into the tissues being removed. This solution decreases blood loss and pain during the procedure. Ultrasound assisted uses ultrasound waves to aid in breaking up the excess fat being removed. This method is particularly useful in lipocontouring the upper abdomen, hips, flanks, male breast and difficult areas caused by scar tissue from previous liposuction.
Often misunderstood, liposuction is not a weight loss solution, nor a treatment for obesity. It is also not a useful substitute for a healthy diet and exercise. It won’t remove fat from deep areas such as the inner abdomen either; only traditional weight loss strategies will decrease fat in those areas. It should also be noted that if you gain weight after treatment, due to the reduction of fat cells in the treated areas, you will tend to gain more weight in others. Results of body contouring will be best maintained by individuals who exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet.The ConsultationDuring consultation your plastic surgeon should spend time discussing your goals and medical history. Through examination he or she should evaluate such issues as your current body contour, fat depositions, muscle and skin tone and skeletal changes. Each individual has unique expectations and his or her own anatomical considerations. A detailed consultation with a reputable plastic surgeon should address these important issues.The SurgeryPrior to surgery, the areas to be treated will be marked while you are in the upright position. This “topographical map” will assist during the procedure when you are in the supine position. It is important anesthesia is administered only by board certified anesthesiologists. For tumescent procedures, the surgeon will infuse the tumescent local anesthesia solution prior to the contouring. Depending upon the situation, a board certified anesthesiologist may administer sedation or general anesthesia as well. To help decrease surface irregularities, the surgeon may utilize small cannulae and ultrasound assisted cannulae. Traditional liposuction with small cannulae frequently follows the initial process begun with ultrasound assisted. At the completion of the procedure, a support garment will be applied.The RecoveryMany patients go home the day of the procedure, but should have a responsible adult staying with them that evening. It may be recommended that some, such as larger volume patients, be cared for overnight at post-operative facility. Ambulation should occur the night of surgery. Some drainage is normal for the first day. The initial support garment is generally replaced on the second day after surgery. You may shower on the second day as well. Your surgeon will most likely see you 1 to 2 days following surgery. Most normal activities involving exercise may resumed after 10 to 14 days. It is recommended, however, that except when showering, the support garment be worn for at least the first month after surgery. This is to decrease swelling and to assist with contouring. Patients generally return to sedentary work in 3-5 days. More strenuous work may require 1-2 weeks of healing. Driving should be avoided until narcotic pain medication is no longer required. Generally, most of bruising and swelling subsides within 3 weeks after surgery. It may take at least 3-6 months, however, for the swelling to completely resolve and for the final contour to be seen.What are some the Particular Concerns regarding Liposuction?Liposuction is a means of reducing localized fat, not a weight loss plan. This point cannot be over-emphasized. It should also be noted that cellulite- like deformities are not generally reduced with this procedure. In fact, they can be worsened. And while most patients are quite pleased with the results, major risks are involved that must be considered. Blood or fat clots in the legs and to the lungs and even loss of life have occurred. These risks require pneumatic air pumps on the legs during the surgery as well as monitoring by a board certified anesthesiologist throughout the procedure. Sagging or wrinkling of the skin may result due to variations in skin tone. To improve these issues, a “tummy tuck” or “lower body lift” may be recommended.
Beverly Hills, liposuction
helps reduce localized fat, resulting in a body that is better proportioned. Dr. Jay Orringer has two decades of surgical skill and experience and offers personalized care to every patient.
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Liposuction (Body Contouring)-Traditional, Tumescent & Ultrasound-Assisted}