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By Carolyn A Clayton
Whales are the largest creatures on the planet and need to be left alone so they can survive. Many whales are extremely endangered, with some species facing extinction. Is this an animal that you want to lose? They are beautiful and peaceful creatures that have every right to live in the waters all around the world. What is causing the whale’s demise? Can it be stopped?
What Is Causing the Disappearance of Whales?
Much of the problem with the disappearance of whales has to do with the change of the climate. The waters are warming up which is ruining the feeding areas for many whales. They are being forced into smaller and smaller areas where there is too much competition for the same food. This is a problem that seems to have no easy fix.
Another cause of whale disappearances is the fact that several whales are killed every year by people who use them for many reasons. They are not being killed to feed villages that need the meat to live. They are being killed to provide all sorts of products to sell. Even perfume is made from whales. Lamp oils are also made from the blubber of whales. This exploitation of whales can be stopped. Other countries are killing whales in the name of science, yet nothing has been published that would make these killings worth happening. Perhaps it is just a guise to get products from whales too.
Sonar, ships, and many sounds that are being carried in the water are causing confusion among whales. They are having trouble communicating with one another. This makes it difficult for them to pair up to mate. A lot of the noise that is affecting whales comes from military vessels. Ships are running into whales and as a result whales are dying.
Help the Whales
Although some of the causes of whale disappearances are not something that can presently be helped, there are plenty of things that can save the whales. By stopping all killing of whales by hunting, many whales will be able to live in peace. There really is no reason whales should be killed. There is no scientific proof that whales have an effect on science or medicine. That means these killings should be stopped. Since countries that allow the taking and killing of whales don’t need to rely on the products that are produced, these killings could also be stopped.
You can petition these countries and try to get your government to stop trading with the countries who have become killers of whales. If enough countries stopped trading the guilty countries would have to stop in order to survive. Norway is a country that allows whale hunting. They depend on trade to survive. They would have to change their laws if they wanted to trade with other countries if the other countries would take a stand. Most countries around the world want to see whales survive. They have prohibited the hunting and killing of whales. Now if we can get the rest of the countries to stop, the whales will have a good chance of surviving and thriving.
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Oban seal sanctuary
has an amazing variety of animals from otters and sharks, to a full seal rescue facility and hospital. Come along on Save the Whale Week from 4th-11th August 2012
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